facebook Carousel Ads

Facebook Ads

Learn : What is Facebook Carousel Ad

facebook Carousel Ads

What is Facebook Carousel Ads?

Facebook Carousel Ad format allows you to show up to 10 images or videos within a single ad. With more space for creativity within a single ad, you can show different products. Even you can show multiple user selling points about a specific product, service or promotion. Also, you can tell a story about your brand. You can create a more engaging Ad with the help of Carousel Ad. This ad format is favourite among e-commerce advertisers.

Facebook, advertisers have seen Carousel ads drive 30-50% lower cost-per-conversions than single-image Lead Ads. And 20-30% lower cost-per-clicks than single-image link ads.

How to make a Carousel Ad:

To make a Facebook Carousel Ad, go to Ads Manager and select an objective whichever is suitable for your Business.

  • Select any of the above objectives for your Facebook Ad  
  • Create your ad set, select the Carousel format, and you’re ready to set GO

Facebook Carousel Ad Specs-

To make your Carousel Ad successful, it’s important to get sizing and specs down before you get into the ad creation. Here are some specs that you should keep in mind:

  • Image/Thumbnail size: 1,080 x 1,080 pixels
  • Image/Video aspect ratio:  1:1 (square)
  • Text: 125 characters
  • Headline: 40 characters
  • Link description: 20 characters
  • Number of cards: Minimum 2 and Maximum 10
  • Image file size: 30 MB max
  • Video file size: 4 GB max
  • Video length: Up to 240 minutes

Note: Keep your image below 20% text in order to avoid an decrease in reach.
Sticking to these things will ensure you success in the ad creation process, delivery, or presentation of your ads.